
Successful urban design requires design competence at all scales, from the region to architecture.   ESD preliminarily designs both civic and mixed-use buildings for its urban centres, to indicate their preferred architectural character, and to show how they fit and function within the proposed urban fabric.    ESD has designed prototypes for a wide range of mixed-use applications, which inform its urban designing, and which ESD customises as needed for specific sites.

ESD Director Chip Kaufman, who does most of this architectural designing, is a non-practising architect in Victoria and California.   Prior to founding ESD in 1994, Chip practised in the States for about fifteen years.   Several of Chip’s award winning and published projects are included on this page.   His work has ranged from passive solar residences in New Mexico, to office buildings, restaurants and shopping centres in California, to adaptive re-use of National Register historic buildings in several states.
